Forge of Destiny

Forge of Destiny
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In the Celestial Empire, a land ruled by Immortals and stalked by Spirits and Beasts, a young girl from the slums of an unimportant city is found to have the Talent. In the great Sect of Argent Peak, she will take her first unsteady steps upon the way.
Can she learn to not only survive, but thrive on her journey?
6 Latest Chapters
Chapter List
- Threads 61-Dressmaker 1
- Threads 62 Dressmaker 2
- Threads 63-Dressmaker 3
- Threads 64-Foreshock 1
- Bonus: Snake and Spider 2
- Threads 65-Foreshock 2
- Threads 66-Foreshock 3
- Chapter 67-Foreshock 4
- Bonus: Outer Sect Tremors
- Threads 68-Foreshock 5
- Threads 69: Foreshock 6
- Chapter 70: Foreshock 7
- Threads 71- Epilogue-War
- Threads 72-Interlude-Shockwaves
- Threads Interlude Rivers and Rain
- threads 73-Normalcy 1
- Threads 74-Normalcy 2
- Threads 75-Normalcy 3
- Threads 76-Normalcy 4
- Chapter 77-Normalcy 5
- Threads 78-Normalcy 6
- Chapter 79-Muse 1
- Threads 80-Muse 2
- Interlude: Dance
- Threads 81-Parting 1
- Threads 82-Parting 2
- Threads 83-Integration 1
- Threads 84-Integration 2
- Threads 85-Household 1
- Threads 86-Household 2
- Threads 87 Household 3
- Threads 88-Deals 1
- Threads 89-Deals 2
- Threads 90-Dinner 1
- Threads 91-Dinner 2
- Threads 92-Diplomacy 1
- threads 93-Diplomacy 2
- Bonus: haunts of the Primal Forest
- Threads 94-Diplomacy 3
- Threads 95-Diplomacy 4