Chapter 1910: Easy To Plan And Execute.
What needs most of their attention are the preparations for the Tower of Realms divine war that will be held in 8 months. They were also busy with their research into Aspects and the plan to capture the strange creature pursuing them in the void universe.
Actually, they have made a lot of progress in the latter. The research for Aspects is an unending pursuit. There is just so much to learn about the world that they don’t think they will ever be ready to make a supreme law.
Currently, they haven’t been able to make contact with the quantum zone. They can’t even confirm its existence. On the other hand, they have made contact with the Phantom Zone.
It was easy for them to make contact with the Phantom Zone. They are even about to create a way to breach the dimensional barrier and enter it, but they are stopping that research in favor of capturing the strange creature that has pursuing them across the void universe and the spiritual dimension.
This creature has made things difficult for them and has hindered their research, so they plan to put an end to its pursuit as soon as possible. Then they will be able to focus more on their research of Aspects and dimensions.
Their plan to capture this strange creature was easy to make and execute. All they needed was some Authority of the void universe. That is something they have a lot of.
If they can’t boast about having a surplus of the Authority of the Void Universe, then no one can. Many gods can attest to how many times gods with domains, be they true gods or domain gods, have handed their domains over to the 9 Crowns without asking for anything in return.
So Legion has most domains. The advent of the tower realm divine war has also made many gods more open to trading with them in preparation for the war.
So they were able to trade the domains they had acquired for the ones they could use. Not only do they have the most domains, but they also have the most useful domains that they can absorb and take to the void universe.
They used some of those domains to initiate their plan now. That was the most difficult part of their plan. This part was easy for them to execute, so the next part of their plan is supposed to be easier. All they have to do is designate one of them as the bait.
They can use any clone since the strange creatures are chasing all of them. But for their plan to work without fail, they recommended Soverick because of his eyes.
It was a unanimous decision. Everyone chose Soverick to be the nice, juicy bait for their trap.
He could only grumble about discrimination against those with better eyesight before he was thrown to the wolves.
He complained, but the trap was the perfect trap in that there was no sign of it, and everything appeared to be normal. The strange creatures didn’t know what they had built within Legion-1, so they continued to chase the clones around.
Soverick entered the spiritual dimension as usual. He waited for a while. The strange creature pursuing him entered the spiritual dimension soon after.
The two of them didn’t enter the Spiritual Dimension from the same spot, so there was a large distance between them. Soverick used this distance to get in touch with the creature.
Legion-7 had always advised against any form of contact with the strange creatures, but he has allowed contact this time around. In fact, the two of them are working together to ensure that Soverick could see and perceive the creature.
Soverick asked it, “Why are you chasing us? What have we done to you?”
The creature looked like Legion-5. It was white and faceless. It replied, “You stole my identity and my plan and my future. You are thieves. You’re fakes, and you will be punished for this offense.”
Soverick was confused by what he heard. He asked, “But we still don’t know your identity? How can we have stolen your identity if we have never met you before?”
It replied with anger, “Don’t lie about not knowing my identity. You should be able to tell who I am. After all, you tried and failed to kill me.”
Soverick was more confused than ever. They have killed a lot of people, but they don’t believe that they have stolen anyone’s identity.
Fortunately, the strange creature was a talker. After berating Soverick, it went on to introduce itself.
“I am Gehaldirah. I am the true Gehaldirah. I was to become Legion, but you stole my future from me. You’re despicable thieves.”
Soverick was taken aback. But he had a job to do, so he continued speaking. He asked, “How did we do such a thing?”
It replied with disdain, “How should I know?”
Then it smiled, “But not to worry. You will get what’s coming for you. There’s no escaping now.”
Soverick felt a tentacle latch onto his mind through the line of communication with the strange creature. This tentacle caused pain to spike in his mind as it bore into his divine sense. His eyes widened in horror as he turned to escape.
He screamed mentally to Legion-7, “You didn’t tell me this was going to happen.”
Legion-7 muttered, “I might have underestimated this creature a little bit, but everything should still be in order.”
Soverick escaped back to the void universe, but it was too late. The creature had used its spark of consciousness to get the spiritual fluctuations of his divine sense. So it will be able to track him easily now instead of just chasing around for his traces.
Even though he managed to reach the void universe, he couldn’t escape the creature. It followed right after him, so the two of them appeared in the same spot.
A/N: We finally get to deal with the 10th clone. Who do you think will win? Will it be the effectively infinite clones or Legion?
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