Kyle was glad that things were turning out the way they did because he had no complaints whatsoever.

This was a phase in his life that he didn’t know would be possible whatsoever as his future was bleak to the point he wished to end it all.

This was a moment to reflect on it all and he knew he had starved Jane enough as she would naturally crave to be in his presence right now.

Kyle also knew he had to be gentle, he couldn’t treat her like he did Calista because he actually cared about Jane. If he treated her that way, there was no way that the dynamic of their relationship wouldn’t change.

She was sweet and there was something pure about her that struck a resonance within Kyle that he couldn’t quite explain but Kyle knew that this was the beginning of this adventure.

.The possibilities were endless and it was up to Kyle to pick the one that favored him the most.

He called Jane and it didn’t even ring twice before it was picked up, like she was waiting for this call.

[[Kyle!]] Jane couldn’t contain her excitement. She wasn’t so awkward and shy around him even though there were residues of this behaviour.

“Someone sounds excited to hear my voice,” Kyle fired back and he could hear a subtle giggle at the other end of the phone.

[[I am! I have been wanting to talk to you all day!]] Jane exclaimed like a child waiting to deliver good news to their loved one. freeweɓ

“Did something happen that you want to tell me about?” Kyle asked because there had to be a reason for this wave of excitement.

[[I’m just happy to h-hear your voice]] Jane stuttered and Kyle couldn’t help but smile upon hearing this.

“Is that so? Tell me about your day,” Kyle said, he wanted to invite her over but he found himself engaged in a conversation in a matter of moments.

Jane told Kyle how she spent her day, not leaving out a single detail and this included her outing with Mike. The moment Kyle heard Mike’s name, he raised a brow but who was he kidding?

He had no power over her and she would do whatever she wanted regardless of what he said so all he could do right now was to let her do her thing and decide from there.

If anything, this would be a good chance to see how she was with other men and would allow him to know where he should scale her.

“You know what? How about you come over?” Kyle suggested and the moment Jane heard this, something got stuck in her throat and she began to cough.

[[Y-You want me to come over to your place?]] Jane repeated to make sure she heard what she heard.

“That is right, I want you to come over… You aren’t the only one that misses the other,” Kyle was sure to allow her to know her place in his life, to make her feel special.

[[A-Are you sure you want me to come over?]] And just like that, Jane was back to her timid self.

“That is right, I will come pick you up… No need to worry about clothes,” Kyle said.

[[N-No need to worry about clothes? You mean…]] Jane stopped herself from completing the sentence and that was when Kyle realized what was going through her head.

“C’mon! You can’t think that’s what I meant!” Kyle called her out but he couldn’t contain his laughter, she was so fucking precious.

[[I-I’m sorry!]] Jane was quick to apologize because she didn’t want to sound like some pervert.

“It is fine. What I meant by that is that we will be staying in, so there is no need to worry about what you wear,” Kyle reiterated, this time making himself clear.

The conversation soon ended with Jane declining Kyle’s offer to come pick her up.

“Mike, it looks like you just might be a pain in the ass,” Kyle muttered under his breath.

Jane was freaking out, she couldn’t help but think about one thing even though her mind was innocent for the most part.

“I need to call Ella!” Jane freaked out, she immediately dialed her best friend.

[[Hello Jane? Are you good? I can’t stay on the phone for long.]] Ella responded right away, Jane could hear noises in the background.

A collision of multiple voices but she still made time out to be there for Jane.

“IT IS KYLE! HE ASKED ME TO COME OVER!” Jane couldn’t keep her voice down.

[[Wait, Kyle asked you to come over?]] Ella repeated.

“YES! AND I’M FREAKING OUT! WHAT IF HE WANTS TO HAVE SEX!?” Jane realized her voice was a bit too loud and quickly wrapped her hand around her mouth.

[[Relax Jane! Gosh!]] Ella almost chuckled the moment these words left her mouth.

“It isn’t funny Ella! You know I am a…” Jane paused like someone was eavesdropping.

“….virgin,” Jane whispered this single word but Ella knew her friend was overreacting.

This was her first experience with a man and she was glad that it wasn’t with that pig, Mike.

[[It will be fine, Jane. Do not do anything you’re uncomfortable with. And if you need anything, give me a call…]] Ella trusted Kyle to an extent but you could never be too sure the kind of faces people wore in public.

It could all be a form of deception to hide their darker nature but she felt a lot safer leaving Jane with Kyle than she did with Mike.

The call came to an end and the question of what she would wear soon crossed her mind.

Kyle said it didn’t matter, but this only made her more subconscious about what she should wear.

She didn’t want to overdress but at the same time, she didn’t want to underdress.

She wanted to look good for Kyle but if this was going to be her first time, she wanted it to be memorable.

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