Chapter 121 The Horror Of Brimfield Estate [part 2]Chapter 121 The Horror Of Brimfield Estate [part 2]
The path ahead was shrouded in impenetrable darkness, towering trees interweaving their massive branches like tentacles across the sky, enshrouding the forest in pitch blackness.
Mere shreds of light filtered through the canopy, only to be consumed by the suffocating gloom.
The darkness was tangible, a physical presence that could temporarily blind the unwary should any sliver of brightness pierce its veil.
It rendered vision utterly useless – a literal blindfold of shade.
And yet, a figure streaked through this stygian void, leaping nimbly from branch to branch with effortless grace.
Far behind trailed two pursuers – one cloaked in tattered rags, the other garbed in sleek black leather armor with scarred face.
Despite the distance, both moved with preternatural stealth and elegance, their very ability to navigate such murky depths a testament to their formidable skills.
‘Wow…they’re good!’
Northern marveled inwardly as he alighted on another branch, glancing back over his shoulder.
Turning his gaze forward once more, he spotted his destination below.
‘Hmm…this distance should suffice.’
With the weightless grace of a falling leaf, he descended to the loamy forest floor, surveying his gloomy surroundings before uttering a single command:
“Dark Terror.”
Inky black flames erupted amidst the dense darkness, bathing the area in brilliant azure hues that danced fleetingly before winking out.
A malevolent presence now stood before Northern, its eyes burning with menacing crimson flames – the only facet visible amid its seamless camouflage with the perpetual night, as if the shadows themselves had sprouted a tetrad of sinister, glowing eyes.
For several heartbeats, Northern studied the entity, Dark Terror’s baleful glare raising gooseflesh along his arms.
‘Crap…I don’t think I could have won without sheer luck.’
The Night Terror had already proven immensely daunting.
To face this further evolved version imbued with the Vestige of the Chaos Prince…Northern shuddered inwardly.
‘I’d probably be dead by now if I didn’t unlock the unseeing eyes…’
Night Terror was formidable, but Dark Terror was an unreasoning incarnation of purest malice – a devilish, hellion-rank monster.
‘I can’t help feeling relieved.’
Commanding such an unholy abomination was terrifying, yet deeply reassuring.
Northern was confident that no human currently inhabiting this settlement could withstand Dark Terror’s onslaught.
“Alright then…let’s see if I’m right.”
Turning to the devil, he commanded, “Go forth and obliterate anything that bars your path.”
The devilish monster slowly pivoted, pausing briefly before surging forward like a bolt of darkness, leaving a spiderweb of cracks in its wake.
Eyeing the shattered ground, a frisson of excitement trickled along Northern’s spine.
‘Let’s see how this unfolds.’ Smiling thinly, he too sprang into motion – leaping effortlessly from trunk to branch before alighting amongst the boughs once more.
Darkness swirled protectively around him, coalescing into the imposing visage of a horned devil with four smoldering azure eyes.
Seconds later, the fearsome facade melted back into the perpetual night, rendering Northern utterly invisible.
Several minutes passed before the two pursuing figures blurred into view.
The devilish entity surged through the gloom, crimson eyes leaving blurred trails as it flowed like tendrils of smoke.
A hulking, animalistic shape suddenly burst forth, extending arms that rippled with corded muscle beneath its hairless, pallid hide.
Dark Terror twirled with serpentine grace, razor-edged talons flashing in a blur as it neatly decapitated the brutish monster before its grasping appendages could connect.
It watched impassively as onyx blood gushed from the severed neck, the ox-like creature crumpling to its knees in a spreading pool of viscera.
Averting its malefic glare, it languidly surveyed its surroundings.
Two more of the bovine critters materialized from the murk, encircling the devil in a crude attempt to trap it.
One rumbled an earthshaking growl and charged, the ground trembling beneath its thunderous footfalls.
Dark Terror remained motionless, contemptuous disdain etched into its inscrutable features as the stampeding monster barreled towards it.
At the final possible instant, the devil twisted aside with negligent ease.
As the rampaging beast hurtled past, Dark Terror lashed out with razored black claws, eviscerating its foe from navel to sternum in a single, sickening stroke.
Steaming entrails sloughed free in a putrid tangle, the ox-
monster continuing its unstoppable charge to crash shoulder-
first through the bole of an ancient tree in a detonation of wooden shrapnel.
It finally skidded to a stop, digging furrows with its horns before expiring in a gory sprawl of ruptured organs and fluids.
Dark Terror cocked its head, as if bemused by this pitiful display.
‘This bastard…’
Northern observed from the sheltering dark, uncertain of the fiend’s intent but keenly familiar with the Night Terror’s penchant for cruelty.
If even a fraction of its former persona yet lingered within the soul now subsumed by the Void…then he knew the entity was simply indulging its sadistic whims.
Two more bovine creatures came barreling through the gloom in a thunderous cadence, jaws agape to impale their adversary upon ancient horns.
With an indolent pivot, Dark Terror spun between the onrushing monsters, barbed tail whipping out to transfix one through the ribcage.
Bones cracked like kindling as the wicked barb punched through armored hide, erupting from the brute’s back in a spray of gore.
Utilizing the body as a grotesque flail, Dark Terror swung the twitching carcass, bludgeoning the remaining monster with its own kin.
Skull met skull in a thunderous crunch, the force slamming the hapless beast prone as its jaws shattered, shards of bone spiking through the ruined folds of its facial hide.
Dark Terror continued pummeling the creature relentlessly, reducing it to an unrecognizable, pulpy ruin.
Once sated, it flicked aside the carcass with contemptuous ease before pinning the lone survivor beneath its withering, hate-filled glare.
The final brute charged forth, rearing up on hind legs as it neared, thick fists raising for a brain-pulping salvo.
Dark Terror did not flinch, did not move as those meaty sledgehammers descended in obliterating arcs.
At the ultimate nanosecond, it flowed like smoke between the creature’s brute arms, talons flashing in a blur of slashing, eviscerating strikes that butchered the monster’s torso into a ruinous lattice.
It crashed face-first, shattered ribs impaling its own organs on brutal impact.
As it jerked and thrashed, Dark Terror raked its claws along the ruin in slow, agonizing strips, parting flesh from bone with sadistic lethargy.
When the spasming at last fell still, Dark Terror lifted its malevolent glare towards the two figures rooted before it, trembling legs belying their instinctive terror.
As it studied them through those blazing crimson orbs, a thin, grotesque smile seemed to curl at the edges of its bestial maw.
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