The atmosphere became tense. The first commander and those people from the warrier Association became more angry after looking at the attitude of uncle Jimmy and the others.
But on the other hand, uncle Jimmy and the others did not show any kind of scared attitude. It looks like they are just enjoying the show.
All of them are just waiting for the supreme commander’s order. Even though the first commander wanted to attack once again, he became quite scared after thinking about the consequences.
Because of this he also waited for the supreme commander to give them the command.
The first commander also thought about how those people could create that barrier. He did not think he would face any kind of situation like this.
First of all he realized that all of his attacks got consumed by that barrier. After that, somehow a more powerful spirit beam was created.
Just thinking about all of these makes that first commander confused. Not just only that first commander, even the supreme commander was also thinking about this.
He also doesn’t know what to do at this moment. First of all, he wanted to make sure that none of his people got injured. But even he did not know if that was possible or not.
Thinking about the characteristics of this barrier he became sure that the barrier has an automatic attack system. During the time when the first commander attacks the barrier, the supreme commander also uses his observation technique.
He also realizes that the barrier consumes the full attack of the first commander. After that, a more powerful spirit beam was created.
“I assure you that none of you will get arrested by us. We just wanted to search for two people.
Sometime ago, one of them just killed the first commander. I know that all of you are angry at the first commander for some reason but as an official of the warrior Association, it is a crime to attack him.”
The supreme commander wanted to solve this matter without that many casualties so he was still trying to talk to them.
“Hahaha… well, we would be really happy if that piece of shit got killed that time. Sigh, you are really lucky to have the supreme commander beside you.
Also as I told your people before that we did not have those people present in our place.
So I don’t want you to bother us. Have I told you before I really did not like people from the warrior Association.,”
This time another person beside uncle Jimmy said that to the supreme commander.
Once again after hearing that the first commander became angry. He is once again ready to attack the barrier but thinking about the consequences he somehow calms down.
After hearing that the supreme commander already understands those people are stubborn and they would not deactivate the barrier.
Because of this currently everything depends on his decision. Should they try to break the barrier or leave that place? It will depend on his own decision.
Actually the commander also began to get quite angry at those people. Even though he knows that it is completely illegal to enter the property of another person without permission, in front of him all the criminals are present.
Because of this, in the end the supreme commander decided to take action. Even though he still has the confusion that he would not be able to break the barrier, that does not mean he would not do anything.
With this, the supreme commander immediately told everyone to take their place and prepare to attack.
The moment those people from the warrior Association here the command, all of them immediately began to prepare their strongest attack.
All those people from the warrior Association are angry at those people inside the barrier. If possible they really wanted to kill all of them for talking bad about the warrior Association.
Even though none of them understood the topic of that Hero’s family, they decided to ignore that.
At any condition they wanted to capture those people and teach them the lesson that they should not ignore the comment of the warrior Association.
One by one spiritual fluctuations begin to appear in that place. Even the supreme commander began to prepare his strongest attack.
There could be a chance that even if those people from the warrior Association attack that place together they would not be able to break the barrier, because of this, the supreme commander also decided to take action.
Natalia, who is not far away from the place, became very afraid. From the start she saa everything. She saw how that first commander got injured and almost died because of the counterattack of the barrier.
Immediately she became happy and hoped that the supreme commander would not interfere. Unfortunately that supreme commander once again saved that piece of shit.
Now as those people immediately began to prepare to attack the barrier, nataliya became worried about this.
She is not worried about that first commander or those other people from the warrior Association, she is worried about the supreme commander.
The Supreme commander is an Early Epic grade warrior, naturally compared to everyone he is more dangerous. Because of this she did not know if that barrier was able to protect everyone or not.
“Don’t worry aunty everything will be okay. Also I am present here. If something goes wrong I would immediately take action and teleport everyone from that place.”
Sam once again assured his aunty. Looks like only after hearing his word Natalia once again became relaxed a little.
At this time she can also see uncle Jimmy and the others are also quite afraid. Because of this, she immediately messages uncle Jimmy that they did not have to worry about anything as both of them are near them.
It is natural for uncle Jimmy and the others to become that much worried about the situation. Even though from the start they showed their toughness and did not want to Back down, they also did not know if the barrier would be able to protect them from all those attacks.
They also notice the supreme commander also decides to take action which makes them more worried. Even compared to the first commander, they are more afraid of that supreme commander.
In the next second, immediately countless attacks begin to hit the barrier from all directions. A huge explosion appeared in that place which immediately destroyed almost a 10 km area.
Fortunately all the Warriors of the warrior Association were flying in the sky and also created distance from that place.
A big mushroom-like smoke layer also got created in that place because of the explosion. The whole city began to shake violently because of the explosion.
Fortunately, only some minor casualties appear in the City. Only those buildings near that mansion got destroyed. But all the people in those buildings had already evacuated from that place.
For almost 15 minutes everyone continuously attacked that place and exhausted almost 80% of their spiritual energy.
15 minutes later those people from the warrior Association stopped attacking as they did not know what was in front of them.
Were they finally able to break the barrier or not? Will they get attacked by the barrier? Everyone is thinking about all these kinds of questions but at the same time all of them prepare to defend themselves.
Because of the huge layer of smoke which almost covered the whole 10 kilometer area they were unable to tell anything right now. Even using the observation techniques they were unable to tell anything.
Because of this the supreme commander told everyone to prepare to defend themselves.
Almost 5 minutes later, finally the layer of smoke began to clear. After looking at the destruction everyone already thought the mansion and all the people inside that barrier had already evaporated by their attack.
Everything around that 10 km area got destroyed and even a huge hole got created in the place. Naturally it is impossible for that mansion to survive this kind of disaster.
But when everyone already became happy and almost had a smug smile on their face like that first commander, everyone realized one thing.
Somehow one area still did not receive any kind of damage. Compared to the surrounding area, that place is still standing tall without any damage or anything like that.
Only then everybody noticed the barrier and that mansion. At this time they also look at all those people who are present inside the barrier.
It looks like none of them receive any kind of injuries. They did not even get affected by that big explosion.
Immediately everyone begins to think if this is possible or not. The never fails situation like this, so it almost makes them speechless.
The supreme commander and the first commander also have the same situation. The first commander is currently looking at the place with hatred.
How can that barrier be able to absorb their attacks like this without having any kind of damage?
The barrier did not even have a single crack mark on it. The moment everyone realizes that matter, everyone becomes very serious.
Suddenly the barrier begins to glow which alerts everyone and looks like everyone already realized what is going to happen.
Some of them are already about to use their barrier or life saving technique to escape from the place.
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