Chapter 875: To the Meeting's Island
"Is everyone ready to go?" Eisen asked, looking around at everyone around him. The people that were with him were Caria, Melissa, Sal, Sky, and Bree, as well as the Devil and Angel, Satel and Ambriel. Behind them, Fafnir was currently stretching, getting ready to fly.
The other 'Originals' were already on the island where the treaty meeting was going to be, but Eisen still had a few things to take care of so he stayed behind for a little longer. Similarly, the half-dragon knights and some soldiers had already made their way to the island to make sure that everything was safe and to familiarize themselves with the environment.
"Yessir!" Bree exclaimed with a slight, playful salute. Her and her brother wanted to come along as well, and Eisen had no real reason to refuse them. They were part of Eisen's entourage and he trusted them both plenty.
"Alright," the old man clapped his hands together, "Then get into the carriage and let's go."
Everyone quickly got into the special wooden carriage. Sky and Sal were chatting about some books, Caria and Bree were excited for the trip, and Melissa seemed just ready to take a nap. Meanwhile, Satel was calming Ambriel down a bit, who was clearly growing more and more anxious as the treaty meeting was approaching.
Eisen figured he should just leave it to Satel; they were obviously going to do a much better job at calming Ambriel down than he would be able to.
Once everyone made their way into the carriage, Eisen fully increased his size, spreading his wings as he entered his true demonic form. He wrapped his hands around the large handles at the top of the carriage and carefully lifted it up while looking over at Fafnir, "Let's get going, boy."
Excited, the living dungeon quickly started running and lifted off the ground just a moment later. Eisen quickly flapped his wings and lifted off the ground as well, though he was being more careful so as to make the ride easy for the people in the carriage. The old man sped up more and more, soon catching up to Fafnir, and the two were flying right next to each other.
Of course, while Eisen was flying in as straight a line as he could, Fafnir was having a lot more fun with it all. He had really gotten quite good at flying at this point, something that Eisen was really more than happy to see. At the speed that the two were flying, it only took them a little over an hour to get to their destination, the island of insects.
Eisen could see the structures built in the distance, with the two most prominent ones being the meeting hall and the train station. Of course, the large pillars that were the ant-folks' homes were vastly impressive as well, but they were natural structures that had simply been turned into the ants' homes and blended in perfectly with the arid environment.
The old man landed on the plaza near the train station, carefully letting everyone out of the carriage. Once they were out, Eisen pressed down on its top, starting the automatic fold-down process, so that Eisen could place the carriage into his item storage.
However, as this was happening and the others were looking around curiously, some of the native citizens were starting to approach. Eisen had already been here before, albeit briefly, so they all recognized him as the king of the country they had only recently become a part of. Beings Ants, they of course understood the concept of that kind of hierarchy, so they quickly came to greet him.
"Welcome, your majesty," one of the large humanoid ants, tall enough to reach Eisen's hip, clicked her mandibles as she greeted him. Eisen smiled back at everyone.
"It is a pleasure to be here. Please be well aware that there will be other people coming to this island very soon," Eisen explained, but the one that came to speak to him slowly nodded.
"We have been told. We will greet them well," she replied, and Eisen grinned lightly. He was happy that the ant-folk were clearly willing to become an integral part of Asgard, but that didn't change that he was slightly excited to see the reactions of some of the people that were going to come here for the treaty. Your next chapter is on m v|
Eisen didn't want to bother the ant-folk, but at the same time, if anyone tried to mess with them, the originals had some perfect excuses to exert a bit of pressure over their country. Asgard was nothing but a neutral host; anyone that ended up causing trouble here was the one that was fully to blame.
It didn't take long until someone else entered this plaza; Kiron quickly approached the old man and the crowd of ants-folk.
"Grandfather, welcome," the half-dragon smiled, and Eisen quickly walked up to him.
"Has everything been working out well on your side?" Eisen asked, and Kiron immediately nodded.
"Yes, we have fully observed the island have cooperated with the natives in finding even hidden tunnels and cave systems."
"I see, that's perfect," the old man replied, looking down at the watch on his wrist, "The envoys from the central continent looks like it will arrive first. Have the other knights bring them to the meeting hall personally."
"Of course," Kiron nodded, "We have also stationed some guards around the city. We are working together with the natives' militia and provided them with some items to show they are now part of Asgard's military as well."
Eisen smiled, happy to see his grandson's leadership. Putting him in charge of all of this was a great idea. Technically Brody was the head of the military, but he was better during actual combat than he was in managing personnel outside of a war-context. That's why Kiron took over that part here for the time being.
That being the case, Asgard's military was already well-structured, -trained, and -trained, so Kiron had an easy time taking on a leadership position here.
It didn't take long until the group entered the building surrounding the meeting hall, soon entering that protected space itself. Once there, Eisen felt more comfortable talking about some other matters with his grandson, "Have you noticed anything that could hint at Samuel's interference?"
The half-dragon quickly shook his head, "No, it does not seem like anything has happened in that regard."
"Alright. Let's hope it stays that way," Eisen replied with a slight sigh of relief. If possible, he wanted Samuel to just finally stand down and understand that this was a lost cause, but at the same time, there was no way that he would simply let that happen.
It was already clear that Eisen and the others were planning on doing something about the Dragon War that was slowly but surely starting to unfold in the central continent, so taking a loss in both sides was something Samuel would never just take without some kind of retaliation or attempt to stop it altogether.
Eisen and Kiron stood in the meeting room. The others were being led to their bedrooms for the next three days while the treaty meeting was happening so that they could unpack and rest a bit before tonight, and even Fafnir was brought to a spot where he could sleep and rest without being disturbed. But the two weren't alone for long, as soon, Xenia came into the room.
"Eisen!" she waved at the old man, "I was wondering when you would finally show up!"
"Just arrived around ten minutes ago. Is everything going alright on your side?"
"My side? Oh, you mean double-checking the array?" she asked, looking up at the large dome right above them, which had deeply intricate patterns engraved into it. This was the dome that was blocking any sort of access from Samuel. And while it had a practical purpose, it was also aesthetically beautiful enough to not fall flat compared to all the other art that Evalia had put up all over the place.
Xenia smugly crossed her arms, "I'd say it's going pretty good. I haven't noticed any weakspots in the array."
"Perfect. Oh, and have you seen Silber?" the old man wondered. He had also come here ahead of time, and Eisen was really wondering what he was doing.
"I haven't seen him. Maybe he's just taking a look around the island? It's quite pretty," Xenia pointed out, and Eisen slowly nodded his head.
"That does sound like him," Eisen replied, though he was still curious. Before leaving, Silber had mentioned something about 'helping out'. And considering his brother's personality, Eisen was a bit worried about what exactly 'helping out' really entailed.
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