Chapter 2744 Heavy Responsibility

Chapter 2744  Heavy Responsibility

Rui narrowed his eyes at that comment but didn’t retort.

He would be splitting hairs.

Rui didn’t regard himself as otherworldly, but it was true that his power and knowledge were otherworldly.

Close enough.

“It’s funny how life works,” the Martial Transcendent remarked with a thoughtful tone. “I truly didn’t expect that you would have genuinely emerged from another world. I did not expect that you would live up to the prophecy so perfectly. My experiment is a perfect success, wouldn’t you agree, Lord Virodhabhasa?”

Rui scowled at being addressed that way.

Yet, this time, he didn’t object.

The Martial Transcendent’s previous words had struck a chord with him. Project Water was the Antithesis’ power.

In other words, he was essentially aiming to become Lord Virodhabhasa.

Thus, rejecting that title felt like he was rejecting Project Water itself.

“One more question on that note,” Rui continued, returning to the topic at hand. “You say that I’m living up to the prophecy by saving the world from the Beast Incursion. Does that mean that the Beast Incursion was the Transcendent Fear? Is the Beast Incursion the apocalypse that your ‘divine revelations’ prophesized?”

The Martial Transcendent laughed at the question mirthfully. “…Ah, forgive me. But to answer your question; no. The Beast Incursion cannot move a Martial Transcendent. Not to make light of an apocalypse that has swallowed human civilization and spread untold misery, of course. This apocalypse might still destroy humanity and perhaps even us Transcendents indirectly due to its consequences on the number of future Transcendents.”

Rui fell into thought. “So… whatever you fear is even greater than the Beast Incursion.”

“Most certainly,” the Martial Transcendent remarked candidly.

Rui narrowed his eyes.

“Is it the beast that caused the Beast Incursion?”

“Ah, fluffy?” Transcendent Raizel shook his head. “No. The beast is dangerous, even to us, but nobody fears equals.”

Rui stared at him dumbfoundedly.

“…’Fluffy?'” Transcendent Raizel smiled wryly. “Well, it doesn’t have a name. So we Transcendents took the liberty of naming it, you see.”

Rui glared at him with a hint of anger.

“Do not trivialize the beast that spread an apocalypse across human civilization.”

The Martial Transcendent gazed at him for a moment. “You are correct. The truth is that that beast may very destroy us all. My colleagues and I have deterred it with mutually assured destruction of sorts, which is why it resorted to deploying its underlings to fight our underlings.”

Rui glared at him once more. “We are not your underlings.”

“I was speaking purely in regards to power hierarchy,” the Martial Transcendent candidly reassured him. “Besides, that statement isn’t necessarily true. The Virodhabhasa Theocracy is my underling nation and its Martial Artists will adhere to my orders absolutely.”

Rui stirred at his words. “…What can you tell us about the beast?”

“It is powerful,” the Transcendent replied. “It sounds like a threat that cannot be overcome without the power of a Transcendent.” Rui narrowed his eyes. “If that’s the case, then is our mission screwed? Do we stand on chance?”

The Martial Transcendent smiled.

“If you didn’t exist, I might have said so.”

Rui stiffened. “I appreciate that you think highly of me, Your Transcendence, but I cannot possibly hold even the slightest candle against a monster of such a caliber.”

“Not yet, no, but you can equip those who are the strongest with the power to vanquish the beast,” the Martial Transcendent replied. “If it is you, such a thing is possible. You have already done so with half of the strongest of Sages, who will ultimately contribute to the destruction of the monster at the very epicenter of the Beast Domain, Lord Virodhabhasa.”

Rui stared at him with a grave expression.

The air tingled with a hint of tension.

“That’s… a lot of pressure.”

His tone was uncertain.

“You are not alone,” the Martial Transcendent remarked with a gentle voice. “You have the brilliant Immortal Sages who are also fighting for humanity with each passing second. The Divine Doctor, the Beggar Sage, and the Psycher are aiding human civilization in immense ways. The same can be said for other human sages like the Ecologer and the Esoterist, who is a fellow pillar of hope along with you in this Era of Darkness. You have your father and his brilliant leadership and management of human civilization.”

He smiled knowingly. “You also have the legacy of the Progenitor by your side. She will help you in your journey as you help her in hers.”

His expression softened as he thought about Amare, who had traveled with him across human civilization.

“You’re right.”

He clenched his fists and sharpened his eyes.

“We will overcome this. Without you useless Martial Transcendents.”

Even as he steeled his resolve, he made sure to show his displeasure at the stationary Martial Transcendents who simply lounged about accomplishing absolutely nothing.

The Astral Sovereign simply smiled with a hint of amusement. Rui heaved a tired sigh as he massaged his forehead.

The conversation had given him a headache with the recurring waves of shock that had blasted him over and over again while the Martial Transcendent mercilessly info-dumped crazy revelations on him.

He deserved a little bit of contempt.

“So, what now, Lord Virodhabhasa?” the Martial Transcendent asked with a curious tone. “I believe that I have addressed most of your concerns or at least defined the limits of my own knowledge.”

“…One more thing,” Rui remarked with a sharpened gaze. “You mentioned the ‘Unfolding.’ The Shield of Gaia also mentioned something similar to Amare… just what the hell is it? Is that related to the source of fear that plagues you Martial Transcendents?”

Suddenly, chills ran across his skin.

The air tingled with a hint of peril.

The Martial Transcendent smiled mysteriously. “Soon.”

Rui frowned. “…What?”

“You will find out the answer soon,” he replied. “The Unfolding is inevitable. And yet, you mortals would do everything in your power to deter it if you knew what it was. I’m afraid I cannot answer that question, dear Antithesis. You will just have to see when it is time. Perhaps then you will come to gain some appreciation for what we Martial Transcendents have done to protect human civilization.”

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