Chapter 2750 Viability Experiments

Chapter 2750  Viability Experiments

East and South Panama performed noticeably better than West and North Panama.

When one compared the expansion rate of the beast tides, there was a very clear pattern that East and South Panama retained their territory and prevented it from falling to the hands of the Beast incursion better than the other half of the continent.

The reason for this was very clear.

The surplus of Martial Artists caused by the breakthrough spree of the Dawnbringer allowed nations to hold onto their territory and protect their people better than ever before. The same was even more true for his Hellbringer model, which increased the effectiveness of each Martial Master and Sage against beasts and monsters tremendously.

While the impact he made on Sage-level powerhouses was not as exaggerated, the impact he made on Master-level and Senior-level powerhouses was enormous. The addition of several Masters was a priceless blessing to any Master-level nation, and the increment of their productivity against beasts thanks to the Hellbringer model was highly impactful.

The Dawnbringer’s utility to human civilization was plainly undeniable.

So much so that the nations of North and West Panama cursed themselves for being located in the wrong part of the continent, doomed to receive his blessings the latest.

At that time, however, the Esoterist’s solutions had also begun proliferating across human civilization. It had taken years for nations to implement his solutions, but finally, the much sought anti-beast siege weapon upgrades and alterations had begun spreading across human civilization.

Thus, the first set of viability experiments was conducted across South and East Panama.

Viability experiments to check whether or not the two pillars of the Era of Darkness were truly able to live up to the promises made in the Human Summit.

One of the conditions that the Sage-level nations had when the Emperor of Harmony proposed his Solution of Harmony was that the solutions that the two pillars provided needed to be powerful enough to make the plan viable.

In other words, the Sage-level powerhouses needed to be able to survive without their Sages.

This needed to be verified before the Sages departed from the nation.

No nation would be foolish to send off all their Sages without verifying that this wouldn’t lead to their absolute destruction.

Two and a half years after the Human Summit, when the two pillars had proliferated their solution extensively, albeit incompletely, the opportunity for preliminary viability tests began.

Sage-level powerhouses began experimenting.

They began experimenting to see whether the combination of the fancy tech upgrades and the Hellbringer and breakthroughs were enough for Masters to fend off Sage-level beasts and monsters without the help of Martial Sages.

The results varied.

The nation with the most promising results was the Kandrian Empire.


The upgraded Apocalypse-Class siege weapons of the Kandrian Empire blasted off at the Sage-level beasts and monsters.




The Apocalypse-Class siege weapons of the Kandrian Empire inflicted critical wounds on the Sage-level beasts and monsters, leaving them weakened and vulnerable. As promised, the technological upgrades of the Esoterist ravaged the Sage-level beasts and monsters much more than they ever did.

The beams of light, more focused than they had ever been before, struck deep than they ever did before when they were dispersed across the surface of the massive beasts and monsters.

And yet, the monsters and beasts persevered one after another, emerging from the barrage of attacks, albeit critically wounded.

Only for them to run into the Martial Masters of the Kandrian Empire.

“ATTACK!” Kane roared as he led a charge of Martial Masters against the wave of incoming Sage-level beasts.


A maelstrom of Martial Embodiments bloomed on the battlefield.

A lightning shadow

A hypnotic spiral.

A silent shadow.

A breathing figure.

A homing missile launcher.

A domain.

These Martial Embodiments consumed the entire world around them, painting themselves upon the canvas of heaven and earth. And yet, among them, one stood out the most.

An ephemeral kaleidoscopic fractal mirror that assimilated all the other Embodiments into one large chimera Embodiment.

A faint whisper escaped Ieyasu as his eyes shined with a blood-red glow.

“Hellbringer Armageddon.”


The world warped into a domain of tribulations as Ieyasu unleashed one of his most powerful techniques. A domain that overlapped the antithetical environments of each monster and beast into one hellish landscape.

With the complete and whole Tree of Life model that he had inherited from Rui, he was able to precisely identify the weaknesses of each beast and monster, able to target them perfectly.

They had always been wounded, and this attack simply pushed them past the limit.

And thus, in the blink of an eye, Tokugawa Ieyasu singlehandedly wiped out an army of Sage-level beasts and monsters.

The other Masters glared at him. “Leave some for the rest of us.”

He simply turned away with a stoic expression, ignoring all of them as he retreated away from the battlefield.

“Hohoho…” Master Zeamer chuckled. “That’s my boy. My disciples are just built different.”

“He’s just as arrogant as the other one.” Master Gurren grumbled.

“You better sleep with one eye open.” Master Reina glared at him. “You’re life ain’t safe.”

“The point of the exercise is to test whether the force as a whole can take down Sage-level beasts as a whole.” Master Vericita huffed a helpless sigh.

“Do we even need to do any work when we have him?” Master Ceeran scratched his head. “It just feels pointless. Besides, nobody but the Sages can even keep him in check. Once they are gone, he is going to be absolutely insufferable.”

“We need Rui to come back before they leave.” Kane stared at the retreating figure of the Chosen One. “Only he can deter this monster.”

Regardless, the experiment had already proven to be hyper-successful. Although none of them had managed to contribute, it became evidently clear that the Martial Masters and the siege weapons of the Kandrian Empire were more than enough to take down Sages effortlessly.

The Kandrian Empire became the first nation to confirm the viability of the Solution of Harmony with proof. However, it was indisputably the strongest nation in the entire world, thus it begged the question whether the other powerhouses in the world could replicate this feat.

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