Chapter 2764 Magical Blood
Ordinarily, it would have caught her off-guard, delaying her reactions to perhaps a graze her. But unfortunately for the Blood Goddess, Amare had been expecting it. PEW
The blood bullet whistled past her as she just barely managed to evade the attack. And yet, the Blood Goddess was just getting started. Her piercing jabs surged with even greater speed this time while also unleashing a maelstrom of extraordinarily fast blood bullets at her opponent with each jab.
Amare back-flipped as she evaded the barrage of jabs and blood bullets.
And yet—
“Wrong choice.” The Blood Goddess’ smile was cold. She snapped a finger as the blood bullets magically froze before turning back and converging on Amare, leaving her no room for escape.
The Blood Goddess’ eyes widened as Amare danced mid-battle.
She danced, causing the land around her to erupt powerfully, intercepting the omnidirectionally converging blood bullets be they could even reach her. The Dance of Terra that had been taught to her by a Martial Transcendent had come to her rescue.
The splattered blood magically rose, streaming trickling back to the Blood Goddess where it coalesced in her hand in a floating ball of blood.
The blood responded to her will as though it was sentient and animated.
“What the hell is that…?” Rui’s eyes widened with a stunned expression. “How the hell is she doing that with her blood?”
“Ah, I believe I have yet to tell you the Martial Path of the Blood Goddess…” Blood Lord Vrukshus arrived next to Rui. “You see, her Martial Path is unique across the entire world, paving unchartered territory of the utility of blood in combat. Her Martial Path has revolutionized the possible roles of blood in combat. Her Hemokinesis is also a reason why the Blood God himself bestowed her the title of Blood Goddess.”
“Hemokinesis…” Rui whispered with an incredulous tone as he watched her blood obey her command. “Such a thing is even possible? Is this even Martial Art?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Blood Lord Vrukshus smiled simply. “Martial Art is simply a system of actions of mind and body. Last I checked, blood is also a part of the Body, no less than the arms and legs you throw attacks with. I could argue that it is even more fundamental to the human body than your limbs are. For you can survive without the latter, but you cannot survive without blood.”
Rui studied the magically moving blood as he directed his senses toward it, trying to understand what exactly was happening.
“…Alternating electromagnetic fields,” he realized. “Her blood is not only electrically charged but also magnetically active? No, that’s not all. There’s more.”
Blood Lord Vrukshus nodded with approval. “Her blood is an autonomous bio-fluid under her control, allowing her to also directly control it in addition to relying on the electromagnetic force. On top of that, her body is vastly heavier than it looks, much more so than the average Martial Body. It stores all the nutrients and compounds she needs to generate as much blood as possible.”
He regarded with a hint of pious reverence. “She truly is the Blood Goddess.”
Rui raised an eyebrow, directing a dubious glance at the peak Martial Sage before turning back to her. Admittedly, this was probably one of the most individualistic Martial Bodies he had seen in a long time. To think that the foundation of her Martial Art would rely on an ability that she had gained as a Martial Squire was truly surprising.
“She has an affinity for the Upper Realms,” Rui realized. “Since such an exotic Martial Art is harder to control as well in the Lower Realms with low principles. But in return…”
His eyes lit up with a hint of excitement. “In return, she’s an absolute monster in the Master Realm.
A cold smile appeared on the face of the Blood Goddess as she displayed her full power. A maelstrom of blood emerged from her Body, adhering to her will as she manipulated them at will. A layer of blood covered her entire body, aligning itself with the epithelial system of her Body and reinforcing her defense while several liters of blood took the shape of a pair of angelic wings attached to her back muscles, much to the shock of both Amare and Rui.
“That works…?” he stared at the Blood Goddess with widened eyes.
The answer became clear almost immediately.
In the blink of an eye, she appeared before Amare quicker than even she could react, accelerated by the tremendous amount of thrust that the blood wings gave her.
A thundering flying knee kick crashed into Amare’s guard, launching her a great distance away. Simultaneously the remaining blood around her sharpened into a little bits of blood shrapnel, blasting out at her.
And yet, Amare’s foot slammed the ground, causing a tremendous wall of earth to surge forth, shielding Amare from her opponent’s blood. And yet, the Blood Goddess was unperturbed, coalescing all her blood in a singular projectile of tremendous power.
Her blood shined with power as blood did when the Martial Heart was active.
Rui’s eyes widened as a stunning realization dawned on him. “Her output, it’s even greater than before.”
Blood Lord Vrukshus smiled proudly. “Indeed. This is why she is easily one of the most powerful Martial Masters in existence. The more blood she produces, the greater her net output. This is because the greater the cell count, the greater the net metabolic production of energy. As a Martial Master, she is able to harness this greater energy with perfect efficiency. Her output is already one of the highest even before she deploys her hemokinesis, but once she deploys it, her raw power is unmatched in the entire world!”
Of course, Rui knew that the Gatekeeper was still vastly superior when it came to raw power, but the Blood Goddess was otherwise one of the very strongest when it came to raw power.
Not even Amare’s supreme mastery of power could handle such raw power easily!
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